Divine Art, Holy pilgrim, Soul Sovereignty, Healing, Psychic Expansion, Longevity, Reality, Coaching, Poetry, Books, Ghostwriting

Other Teacher
The following are highly regarded, well known humans that have dedicated their lives to get the truth out. I want to emphasize that we do our work to our highest good will, which does not mean all is correct. I do not neccessarily agree with all they present and do. You should take from others what feels right, judge it and make your own opinion. As of international law requirements, I totally distance myself from all the content.
David Icke: davidicke.com
Gareth Icke: davidicke.com
Neil Hague: neilhague.com
Simon Parkes: simonparkes.org
Stewart Swerdlow: expansions.com
Jay Essex: thespiritualfoundation.com
Dolores Cannon
Alex Jones: infowars.com
Dieter Bröhrs: dieterbroehrs.com (famous scientist)
Dr Joe Dispenza (famous scientist)
Robert Stanley, Unicus Magazine
Adam Apollo: adamapollo.com
Will Berlinghof: rainbowphoenix.co
Andreas Dajamoo: bewusstseinuniversity.com
Geistheiler Sananda: geistheiler-sananda.net
Sascha Stone: saschastone.com
Jo Conrad: bewusst.tv
Guiliana Conforto (famous scientist)
Project Avalon
and many more....