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About parenting


“Parents and in-laws, your children are not your possession,

Let us have a corrective learning session.

Educate your kind the best you can,

Form them into a decent, honest and critical thinking woman or man.

When they are grown, set them free,

nurture their esprit,

by accepting their choice,

only interfering when you are asked for their opinion, your voice.

Don’t interfere in their life as it is lovinely written,

Interference might be karmically forbidden.

Listen to them as they might be wiser despite their age,

Honor their lesson with grace.

Don’t put up a fake act,

In the end all is known and you will lose, that is a fact.

Let them go, for their own family tree to grow,

Stay out of their life, their energy field, there is no need to know.

Embracing a new vision,

maybe aligned with valued family tradition.

Unconditional love is miracle in motion,

Maybe even at the French Atlantique ocean.”

Copyright Stephanie Weiss Germany 19.1.2025


Silver Wounded

Many light beings have incarnated around planet “Earth”,

 with different purposes in place,

to win this black and white race.  


The energy was so dense and dark for too long,

but our children, you were so strong.


Look at all the torture you went through,

a painful and difficult rue.


You needed obstacles to grow and find your mission,

You truly paid a high admission.


The shark and all its guards around you did their best to bite,

You were under constant attack, constant fight.


You kept getting up and kept on shining bright,

wearing clothes that are white.


Many of you, neglected and beaten as a child,

from the society exiled.


Mobbed and discriminated against,

tightly fenced.


Your children taken,

often you were forsaken.


Violence, negligence and pain,

the degree sometimes insane.


Laught and ridiculed for your spiritual view,

for walking in a different shoe.


Often nearly killed and insured, pushed on the floor,

crying behind a closed door.


Lied about and sold,

left in the cold.


Financially destroyed,

Often over many years unemployed.


Blame was put on you,

The weird one with this unacceptable view.


For speaking out truth,

and representing proudly your lovine roots.  


We got over a critical point and a lot has been achieved,

we are so relieved.


The overall consciousness and frequency have risen,

in this soul prison.


Spirit energy is coming in,

So now we begin.


The tide is turning fast,

the truth is just so vast.


So now the offenders are standing at divine`s awe,

it does not care about physical law.


Some were so incredible evil, they are standing on enemy line

with the highest divine realm.


One of the golden avatars truly experienced the worst,

But she made it through, the damage is slowly being reversed.


So that she can fulfill her purpose and shine,

and define anew the word “lovine”.


They could take you so much, but not the love in your heart,

Even if it is broken and ripped apart.


Put it back together with faith and pridely stand up and shine,

We are running towards the goal line.


Lets, for once and all, change this game,

Enlighten the almighty love flame!


Germany 5.2.2025

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